I could access the custom keyword until i created a new package for a set of other custom keywords. Now Katalon does not recognize any keywords although they are defined.
I’ve tried again our latest version 5.0.1 and observe no problems. Can I see your custom keyword definition?
Things started working after I restarted Katalon studio. Guess this is an intermittent issue.
I have this issue too. I simply followed this to create my first custom keyword : https://docs.katalon.com/display/KD/Define+custom+keywords
Okay it seems the class name “login” was already used. My bad.
Make sure to add the annotations ‘@Keyword’ before the function declaration.
def keywordName(parameters…) {
// enter your code here
// you can use either Groovy or Java
I face the similar issue. please help. Attached screenshots for convenience.
Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 4.09.32 PM.png
You need to add @Keyword before your METHOD declaration, NOT before your class declaration.
I am having this same issue. I created the keyword and have @keyword before the method, not the class. Every time I try to add a line to the manual view it says there are no custom keywords.
hi please help me
santhosh khati said:
hi please help me
i think yours supposed to be like this
public class newkeyword{
def clickUsingJS(TestObject to, int timeout){
//add your code here