Error " It appears that you don’t have NodeJS installed and setup correctly" on running Katalon Mobile Tests from Circle CI

I have integrated Circle CI with my mobile automation project in Katalon. But when running a job in Circle CI it triggers “ It appears that you don’t have NodeJS installed and set up correctly” error. Anyone can help with this. I saw some posts on Katalon docker not included appium and node. Please help

@kazurayam / @Chris_Trevarthen Do you have any idea?

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Hello @nithuamz

Please make sure you have set up everything properly for Mobile Testing. Please refer to the following documents, which may help you resolve the issue yourself.


Hi @Jass,
Thanks for your response. I have set up everything based on the above docs only. And the tests are running successfully in my local machine. This issue I encountered when running scripts from Circle CI jobs(job configuration also done based on the docs which I found) It executes the Katalon command then trigger this error


Please run the job again and add this command before running KS:

which node

and share the execution log.


can you please provide me with the config.yml file structure for this @duyluong ?

The one I was using to run was:
version: 2.1
katalon-studio: katalon/katalon-studio@23.0.8

- katalon-studio/run:
version: “latest”
command_arguments: “-retry=0 -testSuitePath=‘Test Suites/dailySmokeTest/dailyRemoteExecution’ -executionProfile=‘default’ -deviceId=‘0E4F2F36-08BE-44F7-9645-3839684B464A’ -browserType=‘iOS’”

any updates on this @duyluong

Hi @nithuamz,

Here’s some documentation from CircleCI that might be useful for adding the Node orb to your CircleCI setup:

Hope this helps,


I tried like this along with Katalon orb but it was failing. Not sure my config.yml structure is correct