[ERROR] Cannot create an instance from the abstract class

Hello everyone,

Makes it sense to define an abstract class into Keyword folder?

public abstract class Parser {
    def commonMethod(String) {
    }    @Keyword
    abstract def method1();    @Keyword
    abstract def method2();
public class Parser1 extends Parser {
    def method1() {
    def method2() {
public class Parser2 extends Parser {
    def method1() {
    def method2() {

Because I get this error

Groovy:You cannot create an instance from the abstract class ‘Parser’.

I call the Keyword like that:


Thank’s a lot for your help!

Can I question your need for abstract classes? Why not just define your base class(es) and extend them in your outer class(es)?

In addition, if you dispense with the @Keyword decorator, make your methods static, import them statically, you can call your methods without all the stringified noise from CustomKeywords.‘blah-blah’.

import my_package.my_class.*


Of course you can.
I use an abstract class because I have several parser which use method1(), method2(), … But each methods have a different content. Can I only use “extend” ?


That’s fair.

The approach I took was to create a hierarchy where, “somewhere in the middle” I have a basePage class. Each page in my (huge) app (eg homePage) extends basePage and overrides (if it needs to) the methods/properties in basePage.

I guess it’s a matter of opinion and personal choice but, I dearly wanted to avoid the gorilla/banana problem (which I think I’ve managed to do).

On the methods-I-need-everywhere front, I created a couple of “tools” classes with short, useful static methods which I import on every “page”.

I’ll be interested to hear how you get along with your plan. Feel free to PM me, anytime.

Thanks for posting!