Element is not visible until a data set is correct

Need help, I have an object that does not appear in html until a data set is correct, the issue is that when I test with verifyElementNotPresent it gives me an error saying Unable to verify object ‘Object Repository / EntryChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento / Valor_Patente’ is not present.
Also, that when the element is already present in the html that leaves the iteration and enter value in the field that was not visible before.
attached code:

    boolean var= WebUI.verifyElementNotPresent(findTestObject('Object Repository/IngresoChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento/Valor_Patente'),10)
    if (var == true) {
    	for (def row = 1; row <= findTestData('ChasisYMotor').getRowNumbers(); row++) {
    		WebUI.setText(findTestObject('IngresoChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento/Nro.Chasis'), findTestData('ChasisYMotor').getValue(
    				'CHASIS', row))
    		WebUI.setText(findTestObject('IngresoChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento/Nro.Motor'), findTestData('ChasisYMotor').getValue(
    				'MOTOR', row))
    else  (var==false) {
    			WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Object Repository/IngresoChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento/Valor_Patente'),

Please try to post in English. Google translation:

Need help, I have an object that does not appear in html until a data set is correct, the issue is that when I test with verifyElementNotPresent it gives me an error saying Unable to verify object ‘Object Repository / EntryChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento / Valor_Patente’ is not present.
Also, that when the element is already present in the html that leaves the iteration and enter value in the field that was not visible before.

There is a problem with your code.


Try this construct:

boolean var= WebUI.verifyElementNotPresent(findTestObject('Object Repository/IngresoChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento/Valor_Patente'),10)
    if (var == true) {
     // same stuff
    } else {
      WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Object Rep...'))

Edit your code to look like that, then let us know what’s happening.

Thanks for the correction in the part of the code, but the problem is in Boolean var = WebUI.verifyElementNotPresent (findTestObject (‘Object Repository / EntryChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento / Valor_Patiente’), 10), since validating that the element is not visible gives me the error in
com.kms.katalon.core.exception.StepFailedException: Unable to verify object ‘Object Repository/IngresoChasisYmotorEmpadronamiento/Valor_Patente’ is not present
at com.kms.katalon.core.keyword.internal.KeywordMain.stepFailed(KeywordMain.groovy:48)

I’m sorry, I don’t believe that’s true.

But you are not validating the element is not VISIBLE, you’re verifying the element is not PRESENT.

  1. Present: true if the element can be found in the DOM.
  2. Visible: true if the element can be found AND it is visible in the viewport (screen).

Plus, pay attention to the difference between:

  1. verifying something is present/visible
  2. waiting until something is present/visible


Or, in your case, this maybe:


boolean condition

if (var) --> executed if var=true
if (!var) --> executed if var=false