Community Newsletter July 9, 2024 📰

:sparkles: Community spotlights :sparkles:

Let’s Get Those Tips & Tricks Flowing!

We haven’t seen many new sharings in the Tips & Tricks section in a while. Katalon thrives on community knowledge sharing. Dive in and share your testing wisdom - we can’t wait to hear from you!

News/threads Description
Step-by-Step Guide to Troubleshoot Katalon 'Run from here' not working A huge thank to @Dave_Evers for sharing detailed guide on troubleshooting the error: Run from here not working
[KShare] How to Upload a File using TestCloud? This week’s KShare dives into a productivity booster for TestCloud users! Learn how to seamlessly upload local files to your project and then straight to your TestCloud environment.

Do you have any other threads in mind that you would like to see featured here? Simply comment below :point_down:

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