Community Newsletter July 23, 2024 📰

:sparkles: Community spotlights :sparkles:

Let’s Get Those Tips & Tricks Flowing!

We haven’t seen many new sharings in the Tips & Tricks section in a while. Katalon thrives on community knowledge sharing. Dive in and share your testing wisdom - we can’t wait to hear from you!

News/threads Description
Tip for Unzipping Files and Handling Exceptions A huge thank you to @Dave_Evers for sharing the tip about handling unzipping downloaded files with a code snippet!
[KShare] How to Download & Verify if a File Exists using TestCloud? Continuing with the topic of handling downloaded files, this KShare suggests crucial steps to download and verify files in your WebUI tests with TestCloud.
[KShare] Working with Google Authentication with Katalon Studio - #11 by Thanks to @wiky.hendra’s discovery, we can now identify the issue with our previous KShare about working with Google authentication and update it with workable resources.

Do you have any other threads in mind that you would like to see featured here? Simply comment below :point_down:

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