Circle CI and Katalon

Hello Katalon,

I am trying out the integration between Circle CI and Katalon.
I am using a trial license.
I have an error below that I will need help with or is it because I am using the trial license.
Please share your thoughts.

INFO: User working dir: /tmp/katalon_execute/workspace
INFO: Error log: /tmp/session-9a9bab43/.metadata/.log
INFO: Katalon TestOps server URL:
INFO: Katalon Store server URL:
INFO: User home: /root
INFO: Java vendor: Private Build
INFO: Java version: 1.8.0_242
INFO: Local OS: Linux 64bit
INFO: CPU load: 0%
INFO: Total memory: 70340 MB
INFO: Free memory: 2970 MB
INFO: Machine ID: d0d6e18fb990267e4711399ff16eaf65

Start activating offline…
Search for valid offline licenses in folder: /root/.katalon/license
The number of valid offline licenses: 0
Offline activation failed.
Start activating online…
Katalon TestOps: Unexpected response, URL:, Status: 400, Response: {“error”:“invalid_grant”,“error_description”:“Invalid credentials.”}
Invalid credentials.
Online activation for console mode failed.
Activation failed. Please make sure you are using a valid license.
All launchers terminated
+ ret_code=3
++ id -u
++ id -g
+ chown -R 0:0 /root/project/report
+ chmod -R 777 /root/project/report
+ ls /root/project/report
+ cd /root/project
+ exit 3

Exited with code exit status 3
CircleCI received exit code 3