Can't configure geckodriver options

I am trying to use Katalon Studio to automate testing of a URL that requires SSL certificates. I was able to configure my firefox options to run a particular profile with the ceritifacte already loaded. The problem is that the broweser opens but does there is not a valid connection. I turned on my logging level to trace, and get the following:

geckodriver::marionette TRACE connection attempt 0/600
geckodriver::marionette TRACE connection attempt 1/600
geckodriver::marionette TRACE connection attempt 2/600
geckodriver::marionette TRACE connection attempt 3/600

Basically seems like it does not connect as discussed here:

I need to configure Katalon to run geckodriver with the flag --marionette-port 2828

I can’t figure out how to do that.

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I need it to … :slight_smile: