Can we execute DB Query in Katalon Studio?

Can we execute SQL in Katalon Studio?

My use case is, I want to fetch some value from Database and match the value which is displayed in UI.

Can I achieve this?

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yes you can !
what i did was; i created a custom @Keyword to connect to dataBase, and another @Keyword to execute the Query


def connectDB(String url, String dbname, String port, String username, String password){

//Load driver class for your specific database type

String conn = “jdbc:mysql://” + url + “:” + port + “/” + dbname


//String connectionString = “jdbc:sqlite:” + dataFile

if(connection != null && !connection.isClosed()){




def executeQuery(String queryString) {

Statement stm = connection.createStatement()

ResultSet rs = stm.executeQuery(queryString)

return rs


//Closing the connection


def closeDatabaseConnection() {

if(connection != null && !connection.isClosed()){



connection = null


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