I recorded one small script on web(chrome) which is running correctly on chrome browser.
Now I want to run the same script for mobile emulator devices, I am using kobiton emulators.
I have chosen Galaxy s7 7.0 and run as Kobiton. It is not navigating to url.
Below is the log :
Unable to navigate to ‘https://www.google.com.au/’ (Root cause: org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException:
502 Bad Gateway502 Bad Gateway
Command duration or timeout: 120.36 seconds
Build info: version: ‘3.7.1’, revision: ‘8a0099a’, time: ‘2017-11-06T21:07:36.161Z’
System info: host: ‘INTEGRAL-L61’, ip: ‘’, os.name: ‘Windows 10’, os.arch: ‘amd64’, os.version: ‘10.0’, java.version: ‘1.8.0_102’
Driver info: com.kms.katalon.core.appium.driver.SwipeableAndroidDriver
Capabilities {acceptSslCerts: true, browserName: chrome, captureSreenShots: true, databaseEnabled: false, desired: {acceptSslCerts: true, browserName: chrome, captureSreenShots: true, deviceName: Galaxy S7, deviceOrientation: portrait, fullReset: false, noReset: false, orientation: PORTRAIT, platform: ANDROID, platformName: Android, platformVersion: 7.0, sessionDescription: , sessionName: Automation test session, udid: 5973dd3f, version: }, deviceManufacturer: samsung, deviceModel: SM-G930U, deviceName: 5973dd3f, deviceOrientation: portrait, deviceScreenSize: 1440x2560, deviceUDID: 5973dd3f, fullReset: false, javascriptEnabled: true, kobitonSessionId: 208233, locationContextEnabled: false, networkConnectionEnabled: true, noReset: false, orientation: PORTRAIT, platform: ANDROID, platformName: ANDROID, platformVersion: 7.0, sessionDescription: , sessionName: Automation test session, takesScreenshot: true, udid: 5973dd3f, version: , versions: {appiumVersion: 1.7.1, nodeVersion: v7.4.0}, warnings: {}, webStorageEnabled: false}
Session ID: b575306c-bc07-4603-9a46-6f403519d1c1)
Can you advice me where i am wrong?
Can I run directly script on emulator?
Thanks in advance,