[AWS][DeviceFarm][Junit][ClassNotFoundException] Can't run Device Farm with Junit

When AWS Device Farm transitioned the test host from Ubuntu to Amazon Linux 2, I referred to the migration guide provided in this link:

After the change, I attempted to run Android mobile tests using the JUnit Test Framework. However, the tests are not running as they did before.

**Error: Could not find or load main class org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher **
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.junit.platform.console.ConsoleLauncher

I attach TestSpec file and log:

83ab572a-3997-47cd-9005-74b23d56cc89.txt (4.0 KB)
73a0763d-29d7-456b-b6c9-3ca333bf23e0.yml (7.5 KB)


You question above seems to have nothing to do with Katalon products. It’s solely about AWS. This forum might not be an appropriate place to ask that question.

I tried added Junit 5 but still has isssue :frowning:

Has anyone successfully integrated Android mobile testing with Katalon on AWS Device Farm? If so, could you please share your experience or help me out? :pray: