Automating Application-based MFA with Katalon Studio

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How safe is using AeroGear OTP Java 2013 script ? We can not see the Code Source…

As with every application you have the risk of being hijacked. You should use this MFA functionality, which a you know, also simulates the google authenticator, only with test accounts, as you have to expose your secret key (restore) somewhere in your katalon code base in order to use this functionality.

Make sure to talk with a security officer if you want to use this for business purposes and my advice as for a service account if you have the need for testautomation purposes. You likely have more access then only on test and in theory, if this mfa account is connected to many applications and also production the potentional hijacker can misuse this to get sensitive information and you could then be accountable

Hi everyone, i need to automate a mobile app MFA login base in a SMS token code authentication. How can i do this automation steps but for a mobile applicationÇ?

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I am more curious to watch some sample (with details step by step) to automate MFA login.

I saw the video @karth k.k, but is not clear how to use this

Thanks in advanced

Hi I am trying to implement MFA for my app authenticated with google auth0.
How can i automate this feature to login to my app.

Hi @Rocky_N

We have a sample project for doing MFA with SalesforceDotCom here. Please take a look and see if you can adapt the sample to your use case.
