Asking about BDD Framework on Katalon V. 9

I am new in BDD Framework. I just learned 2 months ago. I made a simple project in Katalon V. 8.x and its working until now.
I upgraded my Katalon to V. 9.x.
I read a lot of posts about error in Katalon BDD in v. 9.x. and i am doing your responses as well, but it seems like i miss something that i still cant run the BDD.

When its running, console shows :

Undefined scenarios:e[0m
e[33mC:/Users/Katalon Studio/test/Include/features/New Feature File.feature:28 e[0m# Successful login with combined datas
e[33mC:/Users/Katalon Studio/test/Include/features/New Feature File.feature:29 e[0m# Successful login with combined datas

2 Scenarios (e[33m2 undefinede[0m)
6 Steps (e[33m6 undefinede[0m)

You can implement missing steps with the snippets below:

@Given("User is open the dev website and checks")
public void user_is_open_the_dev_website_and_checks() {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@When("User enters name{int} username and {int} password with Oracle setting")
public void user_enters_name_username_and_password_with_Oracle_setting(Integer int1, Integer int2) {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

@Then("User should be redirected to the homepage or error")
public void user_should_be_redirected_to_the_homepage_or_error() {
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    throw new PendingException();

I run it in Test Case with this code :
CucumberKW.runFeatureFile(‘Include/features/New Feature File.feature’)

My test listener :


def beforeTestCase(TestCaseContext testCaseContext) {


CucumberKW.GLUE = ['Include/scripts/groovy/aaa.groovy']


This is the directories of all files :

Am i missing something ? Thank you.

Hi there, :wave:

Thank you very much for your topic! It may take a little while before Katalon team member or others forum members respond to you.

In the meantime, you can double-check your post to see if you can add any extra information i.e. error logs, HTML codes, screenshots, etc. Check out this posting guide to help us help you better!

Thanks! :sunglasses:
Katalon Community team

Hi @wiky.hendra,

I do not understand your issue. If having the error log, please help share. Thank you

The issue is its running based on feature, but its not getting my groovy command to do so.
The error simply just feature failed execute.

read in other post where katalon acknowledged the issue related to BDD and will be addressed in upcoming releases

Okay. I read about it too, kinda confused about latest information about it.
So Katalon will fix it in upcoming release ? There’s no other way, right ?

@wiky.hendra can you try with latest 9.7.2 version once?

nope. I surrender trying BDD Cucumber unless i am making in V. 8x

respect your decision

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