An internal error occurred during: "Export test suite report."

Hi Team,

May I know why when I download the report on katalon there is an error “An internal error occurred during: “Export test suite report.” Java heap space”
and after we checked the report was not complete.
but when we run it on another device and download the report is no error.
and the size of the report on other devices is smaller than my PC.

is there a space limit for export test suite reports?
Screenshot 2024-03-18 151415

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Java heap space … This message implies that your report is so big that it requires you to allocate larger memory for JVM process of Katalon Studio.

You should try allocating more memory to the JVM process of Katalon Studio. See the following post how to:

I could not find any description about the -Xmx in katalon.ini in the Katalon’s officail documations. I wonder why.

=> @Elly_Tran

Hi @kazurayam ,

I already tried and this issue has been solved.
Thank you for the help.