Activity name 'xxx' used to start the app doesn't exist or cannot be launched!

I need to run Test Suite with 2 cases.
My settings:
KS: Version: 6.2.1 Build: 2
Appium 1.8.1
Project → Settings → Desired Capabilities → Mobile → Android ‘appWaitActivity’ = ‘com.*’

  1. Login (Mobile.startApplication(app, true)) Success
  2. Add some activity in the app (I need to be logged in, so I want to use instance from the previous step) - FAILS at the startApplication(app, false) step with error
    Original error: An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Cannot start the ‘’ application. Original error: Cannot start the ‘’ application. Original error: Activity name ‘’ used to start the app doesn’t exist or cannot be launched! Make sure it exists and is a launchable activity

Start activity from the manifest is “”.
In case I will install my app via abd and log in manually and after will run exactly the same test “Add some activity in the app” via KS with the same capability settings - it will run successfully with no error (!!!). But if only I run them one by one from the Test Suite - second test fails constantly. I have no idea. Give me please right direction and I will fix!

It was fixed by changing (Mobile.startApplication(app, true)) to the (Mobile.startApplication(app, false)) in the first test. So I need to have “clean” device before run the TestSuite.