[Academy] New Course - Parameterizing Test Objects 🎓


Hi Community members, :wave:

Test object parameterization enhances test automation adaptability and allow test scripts to handle dynamic web elements, ensuring testing effectiveness for even when the AUT changes.

Hence, our Academy team is thrilled to announce a new course on Katalon Academy - Test Authoring with Katalon: Parameterizing Test Objects - designed to help you learn how to make your test scripts more adaptable and robust.

By the end of this course, you will learn about:

  • Strategies to handle dynamic test objects
  • Use cases of test object parameterization
  • Steps to parameterize test objects in Katalon Studio
  • Tips and tricks to parameterize objects more effectively

Learn now

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This course was created by our instructor Ravikanth Edamakanti (@ravikanth.edamakanti) - Senior Manager at Cigniti - who is also one of our Katalon Creators! Check out his profile below :point_down: