Does anyone know how to interact with any about:blank windows in chrome? I cannot seem to get anything i have tried to work. All I am trying to do is let it open switch to and close it.
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int currentWindowIndex = WebUI.getWindowIndex()
String script =
var handles = [];
var titles = [];
handles.push( || window.location.href);
for (var i = 0; i < window.frames.length; i++) {
var frame = window.frames[i];
handles.push( || frame.location.href);
JSON.stringify({ handles: handles, titles: titles });
def result = WebUI.executeJavaScript(script, null)
println("JavaScript result: " + result)
def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
def data = jsonSlurper.parseText(result)
println("Parsed data: " + data)
def windowHandles = data.handles
def windowTitles = data.titles
println("Window handles: " + windowHandles)
println("Window titles: " + windowTitles)
String targetTitle = 'about:blank'
int index = windowTitles.indexOf(targetTitle)
println("Index of target title: " + index)
if (index != -1) {
Hi @josh.meeks,
Can you try with this if the window has the title
// Wait for the about:blank window to open
// Switch to the about:blank window
// Close the about:blank window
or by index
WebUI.switchToWindowIndex(1) // Index starts from 0, so 1 is the second window
// Close the window
I have tried this as well as the index method you suggested. The issue is that there is a print dialog present atop the about:blank window, and either way I cant seem to get Katalon to interact with the window.
Using Robot VK does allow me to close the window but it only works occasionally. I have to manually interact with the window from time to time.
It seems that there is a timing issue with robot vk as well. If I let the window load then robot vk will not close the window, but if I run the keys before the window load has finished it seems to close the window no problem.