1-I am getting every time I run my recorded test case, an error “Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: ‘Object Repository/Page” 2-I followed the fix suggested for log out and used the wait for element clickable and wait for element present but still with no success.

  • I am getting every time I run my recorded test case, an error “Root cause: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: \'Object Repository/Page”
  • I followed the fix suggested for log out and used the wait for element clickable and wait for element present but with no success.
  • Please note that,on the Obj. repository, the xpath= id(\"page-wrapper\")/header[1]/section[@class=\"logo-menu\"]/div[@class=\"wrapper\"]/nav[@class=\"main-menu\"]/ul[1]/li[@class=\"has-submenu\"]/ul[@class=\"submenu\"]/li[1]/a[1]
  • How can I get the Combo Box Items, and select an option each time i want to test. Example: I have the gender drop down list contains (Male/Female) how can on the first test to use option one, and on the second run choose another option? how can I save the items of the combo?
