Firefox not saving "Always download to ..." Option

i’m running tests that start a download but when i run them in firefox (v 61.01) the download window pops open and asks whether to open or save the file. In the settings for firefox, i selected “Save files to …” with the location i want and it lists “save file” for the types of files i download under applications in firefox settings.
Nethertheless, whenever i start a testcase in firefox he always behaves as if the browser encounters the file type for the first time and asks where to save it.

I could be wrong but I believe the cache and settings are cleared when you start a new browser so it’s like a fresh instance of it. You will need to use some selenium with a custom function to do this automatically. I was able to do this on Chrome Browser.

Can I do this by adding desired capabilities to Firefox in Project Settings/Execution/Default/WebUI/Firefox ? If yes, how do format it for firefox (the link only talks about chrome).

The Doc mentions this specific Problem ( ) as an example for custom capabilities in Firefox and i have added the settings from the example with the correct mime type for the two file types that are being downloaded.
But when i execute it, the window still pops up.
Here are my current settings:


I’ve never gone about it the way you are in the project settings. I ran into a similar issue though when I was setting the custom download path. Despite having changed it I still got the popup too. I had forgotten to take into account the way Windows parsed file paths.

The file path I was trying to use was using the File Separator (which is \ ) instead of /. For example the custom path I was trying to setup in the settings was the string “C:\Folder\CustomDownloads”. The format it was looking for was “C:/Folder/CustomDownloads”.

I had to set up a custom method to parse out the File.separator and replace it with with the / character. Took some work but it does work now. It just didn’t like the File.separator

The format it was looking for was “C:/Folder/CustomDownloads”.

I tried your proposal, unfortunatly it doesn’t seem to have any effect. When i launch a test case in firefox, he lists all the custom capabilites like this:
[INFO] - User set preference: [‘browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk’, ‘application/, text/csv’]
But the popup still shows up and asks if the file should be opened or downloaded.

I have found part of the error, the settings must be in a dictionary property builder for firefox_profile. The mime type also had to be adjusted.

Marco Raphael said:

I have found part of the error, the settings must be in a dictionary property builder for firefox_profile. The mime type also had to be adjusted.

Is it working for you now. Am having the same exact issue with FF. Please share your exact firefox_profile. I have mine on the dictionary property but still not working.


Here are my entries in the firefox_profile dictionary:
browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk - String - application/, application/csv
browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force - Boolean - false - String - 2 - String - c:/example - String - c:/example - String - c:/example - Boolean - true

Thanks Marco. I have the same exact entries on my profile however I never go past the Firefox “file save dialog” which means the excel file never get’s downloaded locally.
Any more ideas? Am using Katalon 5.6 and Firefox 52.


james nganga said:

Thanks Marco. I have the same exact entries on my profile however I never go past the Firefox “file save dialog” which means the excel file never get’s downloaded locally.
Any more ideas? Am using Katalon 5.6 and Firefox 52.

I use Firefox 61, that could be the reason. Another thing you could try is changing the entries application/ to something else depending on which file you try to download. I had to change this too - look for a list of mime types.

Hi every,

I have been working with katalon.

And on this way it works for me:

Can you expand the Name column? I can’t see all of the text, therefore I do not know what the name is supposed to be.


check these pages

1 Like

Yes, here is the screenshot showing the names:

Anyway I can resolve the following popup?

These are my current settings: (Apologies, noticed a mistake in my settings. Below are my updated settings).

Another edit: Below are the settings for what I want excluded:

Ok, I have solved it I believe. Since my file was of format “.xlsx”, I had to add application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet to prevent the pop-up from asking what to do with this file type.

If anyone else is having problems with the MIME types (the file types you place within those settings), use this link:

Hi everyone,
I tried every combination possible from this thread and even from this video Katalon Studio | 10 | How to download a file and verify the downloaded file | Tamil - YouTube but I can’t solve the problem!

I’m trying to not open the popup download that asks whether to open or save the file popup from a PDF file.
After attempting using your solution I tried different variation of this settings vecchio
because i thought that if i used the default folder (setting 1 instead of 2 in ) maybe it can work…but it doesn’t.
I even tried comparing my browser about:config with the one from katalon browser but the only difference is that is always true in katalon even if i set it false and
doesn’t even exist…

(on the left katalon about:config and on the right my browser that doesn’t do the popup about:config)

The last settings I tried just from the knowledge of about:config is this one:

I always used the MIME type for the pdf file.
Firefox is ver 71.0 and katalon is 7.2.1.

Please help me, I really don’t know what to do to solve the problem!

I’m having the same issue. I have no clue why the DesiredCapabilities set in Project Settings do not work with Firefox.

If you’re willing to try a solution other than the Project Settings, see this post: How to setup Firefox to download files without prompt during Katalon test execution?