When static methods should be used in Custom Keywords?

Bionell, I have a confession to make. The reason why I created this topic is because I was trying to implement POM as per Page Object Model :

Page Object Model :

Franco is not using static but in the Katalon sample projects static is used :

The problem is that when I was running the tests I created as per Franco’s approach (w/o static) in PARALLEL mode some tests are failed. When I was running the tests from Katalon sample (Shopping Card, static is used in the keywords) in PARALLEL mode, there was no problem. So, I was thinking that static might be needed in order to be able to run tests in PARALLEL in Katalon (even though it goes against all my previous experience with Java, but the truth is that I have no idea how Groovy and Katalon work “under the hood” and when instances of those “keyword” classes are created (if ever) )