I can't run unit tests with JUnit in Katalon Studio

Here is something that Bing’s AI has to “say” (note that it could be lying through its teeth) .
:slight_smile: : I’m going to suggest you do more reading of Katalon’s documentation.

Certainly! Katalon Studio is a powerful tool for automated testing, and it supports running JUnit tests. Let me guide you on how to set up and execute JUnit tests within Katalon Studio.

  1. JUnit in Katalon Studio:
  • Katalon Studio allows you to integrate JUnit tests into your test automation projects. You can use JUnit to perform unit testing on your custom keywords, Groovy classes, and methods.
  • To get started, create a custom keyword that enables you to run JUnit4 tests within Katalon Studio. You can find a demo project on GitHub that demonstrates this: JUnit for Katalon Studio.
  • The custom keyword, JUnitCustomKeywords.runWithJUnitRunner, executes your JUnit-based tests. These tests interact with external websites via WebDriver and are backed by the Katalon Studio runtime environment.
  • The test results are visible in the Log Viewer and Console within the Katalon Studio GUI1.
  1. Steps to Set Up JUnit Tests in Katalon Studio:
  • Create a custom keyword that calls the JUnit API to execute your unit tests.
  • Place your application classes (to be tested) in the Keywords directory.
  • Store your test classes in the Include/scripts/groovy directory.
  • Write a simple test runner in a Katalon Studio test case. For example:
import static com.kazurayam.junit4ks.JUnitCustomKeywords.runWithJUnitRunner
import junittutorial.CalculatorTest

  1. Reporting and Integration:

Remember, this approach allows you to leverage the power of JUnit while benefiting from Katalon Studio’s features and runtime environment. Happy testing! :rocket::mag::test_tube: