well, it depends.
is your HD still able to read?
if not, worry not
will last forever
One of my WD externals is 20+ years old and still going strong. I bought the HD and the housing and put it together myself.
special for @Russ_Thomas
Comment one piece of app or software that does this below
(pretty sure Katalon is not not culpable of this from time to time )
smart played
We should all rid ourselves of google gulag.
This is not even a joke… genuine Windows dialog ← so broken it’s not even funny.
is in use, but three.mp4.png
is NOT.
A post was split to a new topic: Search banner appear blank on mobile
found whilst surfing through Reddit…
Here is their website: Нybrain.academy (hybrain.academy)
At this point, I am convinced that people who are obsessed with AI, tech bros, or venture capitalist, etc. really exist in a world of their own (or maybe I should say … a cult)
Though, if science fiction videos games have taught me something, it is that sooner or later, people are going to worship some form of AI religiously
knock! knock!
who’s there?