Call custom keyword from a custom keyword

you provided one TestObject argument and two strings. however:

def upload(TestObject to, String filePath , String file , String file2)

The signature of the keyword expects 4 arguments - 1 as TO and 3 as strings

This is method, from where I try to call other keyword.

@Ibus : Please check 16th post in this thread. Number and types of parameter values are correct.

@Timo_Kuisma : Please check 16th answer, I think types are correct.

If everything will be correct, you will have no errors.

Just do your code readable, e. g:

TestObject = findTestObject(blah)
firtsParam = “blah blah string”

and after call your keyword. you can add also some prints on each variable you define to see if the error is in the code or between chair and keyboard

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