Want to copy log without escape

The following fragment is a example of test case log emitted by Katalon Studio 5.10.0 on Windows 7. I copy&pasted the lines out of the Log Viewer.

SLF4J: The requested version 1.7.16 by your slf4j binding is not compatible with [1.6]
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#version_mismatch for further details.
2018-12-21 11:28:25.853 e[34mINFO e[0;39m e[36mc.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor   -e[0;39m e[39m--------------------e[0;39m
2018-12-21 11:28:25.857 e[34mINFO e[0;39m e[36mc.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor   -e[0;39m e[39mSTART Test Cases/TestObjectTransformerTeste[0;39m
2018-12-21 11:28:26.984 e[39mDEBUGe[0;39m e[36mtestcase.TestObjectTransformerTest       -e[0;39m e[39m1: source = findTestObject("Object Repository/Page_15801_testbed/button_foo")e[0;39m
2018-12-21 11:28:27.133 e[39mDEBUGe[0;39m e[36mtestcase.TestObjectTransformerTest       -e[0;39m e[39m2: assert source != nulle[0;39m
2018-12-21 11:28:27.139 e[39mDEBUGe[0;39m e[36mtestcase.TestObjectTransformerTest       -e[0;39m e[39m3: println(source is $this.format(source))e[0;39m
2018-12-21 11:28:27.169 e[39mDEBUGe[0;39m e[36mtestcase.TestObjectTransformerTest       -e[0;39m e[39m1: sb = new java.lang.StringBuilder()

In there you can find a lot of escape sequences, for example e[34m, e[0;39m, e[39m2. These escape sequences are annoying. They make the pasted text hard to read.

In the Katalon Studio GUI, in the log view pane, I found a button titled “Copy text with escape”:

I would rather like to have a button “Copy text without escape”


This issue annoys me a lot when I make a post into this Forum with log information attached.

Please fix this A.S.A.P.


A temporary workaround in the meantime is to delete all text matching the regex \u001b\[[\d;]*[A-HJKSTfimnsu].

In the version 5.10.1, I do not see the escape sequences such as e[34m , e[0;39m , e[39m2 any longer.

@Katalon team

Have you changed the code already?

1 Like

Yes if you are on macOS. There is another issue and we have to temporarily disable colored logs.

Close since this issue has been fixed.