On UI Automation Can we perform record without installing the app everytime

For one of my projects,

We use TestFlight to install builds on IOS device. So I want to install the app via TestFlight, open it and do the Automation right from Login, Signup, etc.

But, the current Katalon Studio asks me to give the IPA file every time either to record or to execute test case. It installs it at the beginning. Can we skip this one and use an already installed app for testing?


Hi @shyamdeveloper098,

Starting from v6.3.0 (beta), Katalon Studio provides ability to launch an installed application without asking the .ipa or .app file for iOS device. Please download beta release from here

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Hi duyluong,

Thanks that helped. I have one more question,

How can I import appium library into my code?
I am trying import io.appium but it throwing me an error while running - says “unable to resolve class io.appium”

I downloaded an external appium jar file and added it to external libraries in project settings. How can I use the keywords in appium in my current code? How to import from the external appium jar I added to my project settings?


I want to test installation for my app created by third part company. Can I add it without that app id? or is it necessary? Thanks for helping me.