Is this possible to use Katalon to download a file?

Is this possible to use Katalon to download a file?

I’ve already tried:
Download file from web to desktop using Chrome - #7 by Marek_Melocik
Identifying Chrome download box - #2 by Marek_Melocik
Downloading the files in headless chrome - #5 by Timo_Kuisma1

Hi @gdearest07,
my working config for download by Firefox.

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Is there any way to download a file in Katalon?

I’ve been trying to download a pdf file by using Katalon for quite a while but hasn’t been able to do it so far. I’ve tried
Download file from web to desktop using Chrome
Identifying Chrome download box
Downloading the files in headless chrome

Interesting enough, I had a choice which automation tool to use and I choose KSE. If it’s impossible to use KSE for such a simple task as file downloading then I should’ve chosen UFT.


To download pdf file in Chrome automatically using Selenium. You should configure these capabilities:

  "prefs": {
    "download.default_directory": "Your download folder",
    "download.directory_upgrade": true,
    "download.prompt_for_download": false,
    "plugins.always_open_pdf_externally": true,
    "profile.default_content_settings.popups": "0",
    "profile.content_settings.exceptions.automatic_downloads.*.setting": "1"
  "args": [
  "useAutomationExtension": "false"

Please clone this sample project and change the “download.default_directory” to your desired folder and run a sample test case: GitHub - duyluonganh/kat-download-file



Hi, @duyluong.

Thanks a lot for your help! Your solution seems to be the only solutions that works.

I’d just like to use this opportunity to ask a couple of questions. My understanding is that the following is just a typo:

“prefs”: {
"": “false”,

When I put just, it still works. Does it mean that this preference is not really needed?

Also, could you please let us know when did you get the info on which capabilities should be used and what those capabilities mean? I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find the right capabilities but whatever I found wasn’t working.

And last but not least, do you happen to know whether it’s possible to download a pdf file (the only pdf file on the page) w/o clicking on it? Thanks again!

Thank you for your help, Milan Chalánek.

For some reasons, your solution doesn’t seem to be working for me. I’ve tried this:

but the file was not downloaded and I was just seeing the following :

when I was running the sample pdf test case duyluong provided in GitHub - duyluonganh/kat-download-file

Thank you for your help, discover.selenium.

For some reasons, your solution doesn’t seem to be working for me. I’ve tried this:


but the file was not downloaded and I was just seeing the following :

when I was running the sample pdf test case duyluong provided in GitHub - duyluonganh/kat-download-file


Yep, this desired capability is unnecessary. Just a typo mistake.

To apply with Firefox, you should use these capabilities:

  "moz:firefoxOptions": {
    "prefs": {
      "browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk": "application/, application/pdf",
      "pdfjs.disabled": true,
      "": "Your download folder",
      "": 2

I also updated my repo with the Firefox desired capabilities. You can pull the code and run the sample test.

Also, could you please let us know when did you get the info on which capabilities should be used and what those capabilities mean? I’ve spent a lot of time trying to find the right capabilities but whatever I found wasn’t working.

Chrome and Firefox provide their desired capabilities at their website, you should read these documents first:

Next step, you need to search in the Selenium communities about this issue and realize the problem here. Eg:

  • When clicking on a normal file (not pdf), Chrome and Firefox will ask to download the file. You need to find the desired capability to tell the browser don’t ask about to download.
  • When clicking on a pdf file, Chrome and Firefox will display the file using the pdf viewer. You need to find the desired capability to tell the browser to treat the pdf as a normal file.

During the test, you should open Chrome settings and Firefox about:config to check that all desired capabilities have been recognised by the browser.


@duyluong, thanks a lot for your help, the updated repo and detailed reply!

It does work when I use these capabilities in Desired Capabilities → Web UI → Firefox (as it’s shown in your screenshots).

However, when I try to use the very same capabilities in Desired Capabilities → Custom, it doesn’t seem to be working because the Windows dialog appears :

Is this a bug or feature (or perhaps it should be done differently)? Thanks.

Download Katalon Studio by signing up for a free account at Katalon’s website. After installation, login to the Katalon Studio using your account credentials and create a new Sample Android Mobile Tests Project. The process has been detailed for the sample app and test cases provided by Katalon, you can replace the app with your own app and make changes in your test cases accordingly.


Set the project name in the ‘Name’ field and click OK


In the Tests Explorer window go to the folder androidapp → APIDemos.apk. This is the application which will be tested on BrowserStack.


Upload app on the BrowserStack server
Upload APIDemos.apk to BrowserStack using your account credentials (Username and Access Key). The REST API is:

-F “file=@/path/to/app/file/APIDemos.apk”
-F “custom_id=MyApp”
Sample Response:

{“app_url”:“bs://f7c874f21852ba57957a3fdc33f47514288c4ba4”, “custom_id”:“MyApp”,“shareable_id”:"YOUR_USERNAME/MyA

Awesome.Your project helped me to resolve the issue.Thanks alot @duyluong

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Hi, @duyluong

Thanks for your help, we know how to download a PDF file by using download.default_directory and the ABSOLUTE path on Windows

Can you please let us know

how to download a PDF file while running Katalon scripts in JENKINS, which, means it should be done for LINUX, by using a RELATIVE path to some DEDICATED location within the Katalon file system in the DOCKER container, so it can be accessible from the Katalon scripts.


You can follow this doc to set desired caps at runtime: Pass desired capabilities at runtime in Katalon Studio | Katalon Docs


import com.kms.katalon.core.configuration.RunConfiguration

Map caps = RunConfiguration.getDriverPreferencesProperties('WebUI');
caps.get("prefs").put("download.default_directory", "Your download folder")
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Hi @duyluong , I still can’t download the pdf file, this is my screenshot below

I have followed your instructions in Desired Capabilities in Chrome.
What should I do? The Open button can’t be clicked as well

@faqihtelco ,

I think you need to find an function or an element on the web that allows you to download that file.