How to change profile at runtime?

I’m using katalon 8.1.0. I know in past there was no way to change profiles at runtime. Does the current version have the capability to change profile at runtime?


No, Katalon Studio v8.3.x does not provide us a capability to change Execution Profile runtime.

My solution is here:

@kazurayam are you 100 % sure about your statement?
please read:


Specify the execution profile that a test suite executes with

From version 7.6+, you can use this option in Test Suite Collection execution. The specified execution profile is applied to all test suites in that collection.

there are also some debates about how this feature can be further improved, lazy to search right now but i think you already saw that topic

Yes, of course.

I know Katalon Runtime Engine offers the -executionProfile parameter. However Katalon Studio (both of Enterprise and Free) does not have the command line parameter. My “ExecutionProfilesLoader” works in both products.

And please note that my “ExecutionProfilesLoader” library offers far more than “-executionProfile” parameter. What is more? Please find my posts if you like:

  1. ExecutionProfilesLoader v2.0 with listing GlogalVariables in action + creating GlobalVariables with Map - #2 by kazurayam
  2. ExecutionProfilesLoader v2.0 with listing GlogalVariables in action + creating GlobalVariables with Map - #3 by kazurayam
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well, of-course the UI does not have the command line parameter, this is why the user choose the execution profile by clicking on the desired profile at the top.

but perhaps i misunderstood the OP question.
the user asked “how to change the profile at runtime”
your solution changes “the runtime environment” dynamically … which is also cool

I would rather reword the original question as:

how can a Test Case explicitly load initial values of GlobalVariables declared in another Execution Profile while the test case is running?

This is what my library does.