Working with Page Titles and Content with Special Characters

How did I find this?

I will tell you.

I made a custom Keyword: my.StringUtils:

package my

public class StringUtils {

	 * convert the input string
	 * while escaping all non ASCII characters of which UNICODE code point is larger than 128
	 * E.g.,
	 * String s = "Hello\u2010world"
	 * println(s)                                    // --> "Hello‐world"
	 * println(StringUtils.escapeNonAsciiChars(s))   // --> "Hello\u2010world"
	static String escapeNonAsciiChars(String str) {
		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
		for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {
			int codepoint = str.codePointAt(i)
			if (codepoint < 128) {
			} else {
				sb.append("\\u").append(String.format("%04X", codepoint))
		return sb.toString()

I made a Test Case TC1:

def Test_Title = 'DuckDuckGo — Privacy, simplified.'
def escapedTitle = my.StringUtils.escapeNonAsciiChars(Test_Title)
println escapedTitle

When I ran the test case, I got the following output in the console.

2021-02-11 09:52:05.134 INFO  c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor   - START Test Cases/checkDuckDuckGoPageTitle
2021-02-11 09:52:06.901 DEBUG testcase.checkDuckDuckGoPageTitle        - 1: Test_Title = "DuckDuckGo — Privacy, simplified."
2021-02-11 09:52:06.910 DEBUG testcase.checkDuckDuckGoPageTitle        - 2: escapedTitle = StringUtils.escapeNonAsciiChars(Test_Title)
2021-02-11 09:52:06.961 DEBUG testcase.checkDuckDuckGoPageTitle        - 3: println(escapedTitle)
DuckDuckGo \u2014 Privacy, simplified.
2021-02-11 09:52:06.980 INFO  c.k.katalon.core.main.TestCaseExecutor   - END Test Cases/checkDuckDuckGoPageTitle

I am sure you have \u2014 (EM Dash) in your CSV file.