[WebUI] Set Encrypted Text

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://docs.katalon.com/katalon-studio/docs/webui-set-encrypted-text.html

Documentation is not clear on how to setup Encrypted text via Script mode.

not clear… how to set encrypted text in profile as global variable :roll_eyes:

read again:

To encrypt raw text, go to Help > Encrypt Text .

Hi all,
Can this be extended to the Mobile Keywords, as well?
It is very important not to have passwords included in any reports, emails or Analytics.
There have been security issues before…

Thank you,
Cornel Neacsu

Hi @Neacsu_Cornel,

We will support this keyword in v6.3.0 release.


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i tried setting the encrypted password it just recognizes the textbox and not write anything on it

Hi @duyluong,
the version 6.3.0 of katalon, will it be compatible with appium (1.8.1)? because right now the one I use is 6.1.2…



Yes, if you are working normally in Appium v1.8.1, you can still use it.


Hi all,
Can this be extended to the Windows Keywords, as well?
It is very important not to have passwords included in any reports, emails or Analytics.
There have been security issues before.


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Hi all,
Does this function still work in Katalon with latest update ?
Because we have a script with this function.
I have the version 7.7 of Katalon and it work fine and my coworker have the 7.9 version and they have an error.


Thanks but does not work for Mobile :frowning:
com.kms.katalon.core.exception.StepFailedException: Unable to set encrypted text for element ‘Object Repository/POC/AuthPage/input_password’ (Root cause: javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException: Input length must be multiple of 8 when decrypting with padded cipher