Want to store H1 Description in a keyword

I want to store this H1 Description into a keyword so i can use the value of this keyword any where to type

have anyone store H1 description refer the screenshot attached

use the following
attribute = WebUI.getText(findTestObject(‘your test object’))
if the abvoe didnt work try this
attribute = WebUI.getAttribute(findTestObject(‘Your test object’), ‘innertext’)

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You need to use storeText and reference the variable with ${Recent_Sample}

For example:

Command | Target | Value
open | http://forum.katalon.com/t/want-to-store-h1-description-in-a-keyword/18974
storeText | xpath=(.//*[normalize-space(text()) and normalize-space(.)='Free Download'])[1]/following::a[8] | Recent_Sample
echo | ${Recent_Sample}

The echo command will display the value in the log tab.

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Hi Mark

I tried this and it picked up the description of the H1 tag

Now I have another problem ; storing this description in one keyword i.e $ {Recent_Sample} and passing this value is typing the entire text.

lets say the Description of H1 tag is

Sample: NBR123

I only Need:- NBR123 not the entire Sample: NBR123

so once I have the this text stored - any way i can split it or alter it any command to do that

Thanks Heaps


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Add these lines after those in my first response

storeText | xpath=(.//*[normalize-space(text()) and normalize-space(.)='Rakii8516'])[2]/following::h1[1] | h1Text |
storeEval | storedVars['h1Text'].split(' ')[1] | secondValue |
echo | ${secondValue} | |

Take note of the character used to split the string. In this example I’m using a space (' '), but you could use a colon (':'), although the stored value would then contain a space at the start ' NBR123', assuming your title is always in the same format as in your example.

As a bit of explanation for anyone that wants to know what’s going on :confused:
storeEval evaluates a JavaScript snippet.
The JavaScript function split() creates an array using the character provided to delimit the elements.
JavaScript arrays are zero-based which is why we use the index of 1 to get the second element.


Great Help Mark

This is Done Thanks Heaps

Hi Mark

I have been trying your solution on this one as well but not getting it right

I have this copied text NZL2019/MAF/200 - which gets autogenerated - i want to only store last number after / which in this case is 200

please refer to the screenshot


In this case you would need to split the string on the ‘/’ character. And because the string would be split into three parts, you want the third index ‘2’
Something like

storeText | xpath=(.//*[normalize-space(text()) and normalize-space(.)='Rakii8516'])[2]/following::h1[1] | h1Text |
storeEval | storedVars['h1Text'].split('/')[2] | secondValue |
echo | ${secondValue} | |

Thanks Mark- it went straight through into it


Thanks Heaps :):smile: