Using AWS SDK in Katalon Studio, how to resolve external dependencies with Gradle

I often imagine: in future a project of Katalon Studio is reorganized as a Gradle project within Eclipse.

  • It’s directory structure will be Gradle-standard format.
  • You can utilize the external dependency management features of Gradle in full scale.
  • You can do unit-testing for your custom classes (namely, Keywords) using any testing framework you like (JUnit, Spock, Cucumber, etc)
  • You can generate groovy-docs of your custom classes (and test cases if possible) from the groovy-doc comments in your codes.
  • You can use any JVM-based programming languages together: Java, Groovy, kotlin, jython, etc.
  • All in Eclipse GUI!
  • Will have 2 eclipse Perspectives and you can easily switch between: the original Katalon Studio perspective, and good old Eclipse IDE perspective.