Unable to run the feature files in CMD using runwithCucumberRunner

Hi all, I need a help, unable to run Cucumber features from CMD by using “runwithCucumberRunner(Myrunner.class)”

It works when I run in the web browser, but when I try in CMD(command prompt) it says keyword runwithCucumberRunner was failed.

Can you help me in resolving this… It’s urgent. Please find the image attached.

Could you please share your test case’s content?

Contents in the testcase

Contents in the Runner Class

I’m sorry this seems to be a bug. If possible please use an absolute path, e.g.

@CucumberOptions(features="C:/Users/alex/sample/Include/features", glue="", plugin=["pretty", "html:ReportFolder"])

I’ll move this to Bug Reports category for further investigation. @duyluong @YoungNgo

Thanks for the timely help. It worked.
But when we push it to git and to work in jenkins i doubt we can keep changing the absolute path and work .

We will have a fix soon. This is only a temporary workaround.

Thanks… :slight_smile: :smiley:

Dear @sabareesh,

Your reported issue has been logged to Github. Please check for its implementation status there: https://github.com/katalon-studio/katalon-studio/issues/97 .

Best regards,

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This has been fixed in version 6.1.

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