The "settings" folder is not being ignored (.gitignored) when loading projects to Bitbucket

Katalon Studio, Version: 6.2.0, Build: 1
Windows 7

The “settings” folder is not being ignored when loading projects to Bitbucket.

  1. I open the project & save the following to .gitignore
  2. I close and open the project and commit to bitbucket
    Result: settings & sub folders are still loaded to Bitbucket?
    Q: Am I missing something?

Thanks to the posting below I solved my problem as follows:
I first updated my .gitignore file:


Ran “git rm -r --cached settings” from the command line
**This removed the cached files that were causing the folder to not be removed/ignored
Ran “Commit and Push” from Katalon Studio UI
Result: ‘settings’ folder was deleted from remote repository