Test Suite Collection switching between Appium mobile driver and selenium web driver

Which version of Katalon Studio do you use? Possibly 7.3.0 or 7.3.1?

As Project Settings > Executions > Enable/Disable logging executed steps; is it deprecated? - #6 by kazurayam describes, Katalon Studio ver 7.3.0 ~ 7.3.1 has the “Log executed test steps” option in “Project > Settings > Execution” default “Disabled”. Therefore you don’t get much information in the console tab. @duyluong wrote that they will change it to be “Enabled” in the next ver 7.3.2. If you bring your KS down to ver 7.2.x and try the same test suites, you will probably see some lines more of logs. However I suppose that these additional lines of message will not be very informative. The lines will just show which test steps were executed.