Need to record mobile app (installed app or third party app)

I’m trying for recording mobile installed app (Example: Setting). I do not have the app apk.
I can’t click start because “Application File” is empty.
Can you help me? Guide me step by step for recording.

P/s: If create Testcase, I know we use “AppiumDriverManager.createMobileDriver” but record i don’t know.

Hi @giaduy218,

You can definitely record a test and/or capture objects on a pre-installed app. You’ll need to start the Mobile Spy or Mobile Recorder with an app that you do have on your machine (you could use the .apk from a Katalon test project, for example).

Once you start the recording session with your app, you can switch to the preinstalled app in the emulator (or device) and record/capture test objects from that preinstalled app.

For more information on how to switch apps while running the test, see this post:

Hope this helps,


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Thanks @Chris_Trevarthen.
Currently I still do as your way, but i think we will have other way for recording.