Groovy Error: Unable to resolve class internal.GlobalVariable

Viktors Arzanajevs said:

See here:
Override profiles in Test Suite Collection in CLI mode - #14 by Viktors_Arzanajevs - Feature Requests - Katalon Community

This will work if you have the GlobalVariable.groovy file already in your project. If you’re like me, however, and you have the Lib folder removed from your project folder for whatever reason (for me, it’s specified in the .gitignore file for our repo, and thus not included when cloning), you can do the following as a workaround:

1.) Create a new project.
2.) In your file explorer, find the Lib folder in the new project and copy it.
3.) Paste the lib folder into your actual project folder.

Then the solution above will work, as the GlobalVariable.groovy file can be found and thus compiled.
