ExecutionProfilesLoader v2.0 with listing GlogalVariables in action + creating GlobalVariables with Map

The core & mysterious part of my library is this:


	 * "GVEntity" means "an entity of the GlobalVariable object" for short.
	 * insert a public static property with "name" of type java.lang.Object
	 * into the internal.GlobalVarialbe runtime.
	 * e.g, GVH.addGVEntity('my_new_variable', 'foo') makes
	 * 1) internal.GlobalVariable.my_new_variable to be present and to have value 'foo'
	 * 2) internal.GlobalVariable.getMy_new_variale() to return 'foo'
	 * 3) internal.GlobalVariable.setMy_new_variable('bar') to set 'bar' as the value
	 * @param name
	 * @param value
	int addGVEntity(String name, Object value) {

		// check if the "name" is declared as a property of internal.GlobalVariable object statically or not
		if (staticGVEntitiesKeySet().contains(name)) {
			// Yes, the internal.GlobalVariable object has "name" already.
			// No need to add the name. Just update the value
			GlobalVariable[name] = value

			return 0

		} else {
			// No, the "name" is not present. Let's add a new property using Groovy's ExpandoMetaClass

			// the characters in the name must be valid as a Groovy variable name

			// obtain the ExpandoMetaClass of the internal.GlobalVariable class
			MetaClass mc = GlobalVariable.metaClass

			// register the Getter method for the name
			String getterName = getGetterName(name)
			mc.'static'."${getterName}" = { -> return additionalGVEntities[name] }

			// register the Setter method for the name
			String setterName = getSetterName(name)
			mc.'static'."${setterName}" = { newValue ->
				additionalGVEntities[name] = newValue

			// store the value into the storage
			additionalGVEntities.put(name, value)

			return 1