Code Documentation Tool For Katalon Studio

(modified at 2019/11/06)

Not very much applicable to @papri.paul case.

What is Gradle Wrapper? See this doc Gradle Wrapper

Adding the Gradle Wrapper

Generating the Wrapper files requires an installed version of the Gradle runtime on your machine as described in Installation. Thankfully, generating the initial Wrapper files is a one-time process.

Let me explain a bit more.

@papri.paul has created a Katalon Project possibly with a few Groovy classes as custom keywords. He/she wants to generate the groovydoc of the classes.

The project does NOT have the gradle wrapper built-in.

He/she needs install Gradle into the PC.

Once he/he installed Gradle into the PC, he/she can do in the command line:

$ cd <Katalon Project dir>
$ gradle init

By gradle init, a few files and folders will be added into the project directory including the “gradle wrapper”. He will add and commit the gradle wrapper into the Git repository.

His team members or CI machines can clone the Git repository. They will find the “wrapper” bundled in the project. Therefore they can execute

$ cd <Katalon Project dir>
$ .\gradlew xxxx

The team members DO NOT NEED to install Gradle. The CI machines DO NOT NEED to have Gradle installed. They simply execute the gradlew (Gradle Wrapper) binary which has been prepared by the project’s originator to enjoy full functionality of the Gradle build tool.

The gradlew (Wrapper) will be useful for the team members or CI machines who share a Katalon Project backed by Git repository. For example, I used Gradle for a Katalon Studio project which work with AWS S3 in order to manage external dependencies. If I add the Gradle Wrapper into the repository, then CI machines without Gradle installed can run the tests scripts. The external dependencis will be resolved by the Wrapper bundled in the project. Gradle Wrapper makes the setups of CI process much simple.

As for @papri.paul case, he/she is the originator of the project. The project does NOT have the Gradle Wrapper yet. He/she needs to prepare the Wrapper. In order to do it, he/she needs to have Gradle installed.