#Author: your.email@your.domain.com #Keywords Summary : #Feature: List of scenarios. #Scenario: Business rule through list of steps with arguments. #Given: Some precondition step #When: Some key actions #Then: To observe outcomes or validation #And,But: To enumerate more Given,When,Then steps #Scenario Outline: List of steps for data-driven as an Examples and #Examples: Container for s table #Background: List of steps run before each of the scenarios #""" (Doc Strings) #| (Data Tables) #@ (Tags/Labels):To group Scenarios #<> (placeholder) #"" ## (Comments) #Sample Feature Definition Template @1_MessageReflexOut @X_StaticTest @0_AvoidOnVersion9.14 @0_AvoidOnVersion9.16 Feature: Static data Pick Batch Preparations description : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SCSb8IcVqFjw1lvn2svdRMEg5YhP_RERVwuFQBhSL0w/edit#gid=2042951491 APIs description : logical axis data : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1rmV0wQ0738flUJmZCEEjuBTPhaFF2YYqKQXUwumezkM/edit#gid=410831277 @PickBatchConfirmation Scenario Outline: WDP_topic_PickBatchConfirmation_01 Given I request data for API PickBatchConfirmation for the Then I verify the status code is 200 Then I verify if the content match with the template and ignore DIFF from following table |/json_detail/pick_batch/|/already_send| Examples: | ID test | Year | No Pick Batch | | '#M1' | '21' | '7933' | | '#M2' | '21' | '7932' | | '#M3' | '21' | '7937' | | '#M4' | '21' | '7936' | | '#M5' | '21' | '12446' | | '#M6' | '21' | '12450' | | '#M7' | '21' | '12457' | | '#M8' | '21' | '12461' | | '#M9' | '21' | '12472' | | '#M11' | '21' | '12465' | | '#M12' | '21' | '12469' | | '#M13' | '21' | '15942' | | '#M14' | '21' | '15921' | | '#M15' | '21' | '15984' | | '#M16' | '21' | '15985' | @PickBatchConfirmation @0_AvoidOnVersion9.18 Scenario Outline: WDP_topic_PickBatchConfirmation_02 Given I request data for API PickBatchConfirmation for the Then I verify the status code is 200 Then I verify if the content match with the template and ignore DIFF from following table |/json_detail/pick_batch/|/already_send| Examples: | ID test | Year | No Pick Batch | | '#M18' | '21' | '21087' | | '#M19' | '21' | '21230' | | '#M20' | '21' | '21115' | | '#M21' | '21' | '21121' |