import com.kms.katalon.core.util.KeywordUtil /** * */ List> input1 = [ [ "Customer A", "Retail B", "x" ], // [ "Customer B", "Retail A", "x" ], [ "Customer C", "Retail B", "x" ], [ "Customer D", "Key Account", "x" ], [ "Customer E", "Retail A", "x" ], [ "Customer F", "Key Account", "x" ], [ "Customer G", "Key Account", "x" ], ]; List> input2 = [ [ "Customer D", "Key Account" ], [ "Customer B", "Retail A" ], [ "Customer C", "Retail B" ], [ "Customer A", "Retail B" ], [ "Customer G", "Key Account" ], [ "Customer E", "Retail A" ], // [ "Customer F", "Key Account" ], ]; Map table1 = new TreeMap<>(); for (List row in input1) { Record rc = new Record(row[0], row[1], row[2]); table1.put(rc.key(), rc); } Set keySet1 = table1.keySet() //println "keySet1: " + keySet1 Map table2 = new TreeMap<>(); for (List row in input2) { Record rc = new Record(row[0], row[1]); table2.put(rc.key(), rc); } Set keySet2 = table2.keySet() //println "keySet2: " + keySet2 // print the tables println "-------- table 1 --------" for (String key in keySet1) { println table1.get(key) } println "" println "-------- table 2 --------" for (String key in keySet2) { println table2.get(key) } println "" // comparing the key set of the input1 and the input2 Set w1 = new TreeSet<>(keySet1); Set w2 = new TreeSet<>(keySet2); w1.removeAll(w2) if (w1.size() > 0) { for (String k1 in w1) { System.err.println "\"${k1}\" is contained in the input1, but is missing in the input2" } KeywordUtil.markFailed("input > input2") } println "" w1 = new TreeSet<>(keySet1); w2 = new TreeSet<>(keySet2); w2.removeAll(w1) if (w2.size() > 0) { for (String k2 in w2) { System.err.println "\"${k2}\" is contained in the input2, but is missing in the input1" } KeywordUtil.markFailed("input < input2") } /** * */ class Record implements Comparable { private final String CUSTOMER; private final String CHANNEL; private final String BRANCHES; Record(String customer, String channel) { this(customer, channel, ''); } Record(String customer, String channel, String branches) { this.CUSTOMER = customer.trim(); this.CHANNEL = channel.trim(); this.BRANCHES = branches.trim(); } String CUSTOMER() { return this.CUSTOMER; } String CHANNEL() { return this.CHANNEL; } String BRANCHES() { return this.BRANCHES; } String key() { return this.CUSTOMER() + "|" + this.CHANNEL() } @Override boolean equals(Object obj) { if (! obj instanceof Record) { return false; } Record other = (Record)obj; return this.CUSTOMER() == other.CUSTOMER() && this.CHANNEL() == other.CHANNEL() && this.BRANCHES() == other.BRANCHES() } @Override int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 31 * hash + this.CUSTOMER().hashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + this.CHANNEL().hashCode(); hash = 31 * hash + this.BRANCHES().hashCode(); return hash; } @Override String toString() { return "[" + this.CUSTOMER() + "|" + this.CHANNEL() + "|" + this.BRANCHES() + "]"; } @Override int compareTo(Record other) { int result = this.CUSTOMER() <=> other.CUSTOMER(); if (result != 0) { return result; } else { result = this.CHANNEL() <=> other.CHANNEL(); if (result != 0) { return result; } else { result = this.BRANCHES() <=> other.BRANCHES(); return result; } } } }