============== Begin Build ============== Katalon workspace folder is set to default location: /tmp/session-78b4b131 Starting Groovy-Eclipse compiler resolver. Specified compiler level: unspecified 137 org.codehaus.groovy_2.4.20.v202009301404-e2006-RELEASE ACTIVE INFO: Katalon Version: 8.3.5 INFO: Command-line arguments: -runMode=console -apiKey=******** -licenseRelease -orgID=*** -statusDelay=10 -projectPath=/var/jenkins/workspace/JOB_NAME_1/ProjectNameA.prj -retry=0 -testSuiteCollectionPath=Test Suites/TSC_1 -executionProfile=VAL --config -webui.autoUpdateDrivers=true -proxy.system.applyToDesiredCapabilities=false -browserType=wind10_edge_lts ... INFO: User working dir: /home INFO: Error log: /tmp/session-78b4b131/.metadata/.log INFO: Katalon KatOne server URL: https:/admin.katalon.com INFO: Katalon TestOps server URL: https:/testops.katalon.io INFO: Katalon Store server URL: https:/store.katalon.com INFO: User home: /var/jenkins INFO: Java vendor: Oracle Corporation INFO: Java version: 1.8.0_222 INFO: Local OS: Linux 64bit INFO: CPU load: 0% INFO: Total memory: 7680 MB INFO: Free memory: 124 MB Start getting machine ID on Linux End getting machine ID on Linux ********************* Start appending additional signatures hardwareSerialNumber osDependentUsername jenkins End appending additional signatures *********************__jenkins INFO: Machine ID: ********************* Activating... Start activating offline... Search for valid offline licenses in folder: /var/jenkins/.katalon/license The number of valid offline licenses: 0 Start activating online... Cleaning up workspace Opening project file: /var/jenkins/workspace/JOB_NAME_1/ProjectNameA.prj Generating global variables... ============== End Build ============== [CucumberReport] Using Cucumber Reports version 5.5.4 [CucumberReport] JSON report directory is "/var/jenkins/workspace/JOB_NAME_1/Reports/wind10_edge_lts" [CucumberReport] Copied 0 json files from workspace "/var/jenkins/workspace/JOB_NAME_1/Reports/chrome" to reports directory "*************" [CucumberReport] Copied 0 properties files from workspace "/var/jenkins/workspace/JOB_NAME_1/Reports/chrome" to reports directory "*************" [CucumberReport] Processing 0 json files: [CucumberReport] Missing report result - report was not successfully completed [CucumberReport] Build status is changed to FAILURE Build step 'Cucumber reports' changed build result to FAILURE Archiving artifacts [WS-CLEANUP] Deleting project workspace... [WS-CLEANUP] done Finished: FAILURE