Yaml file configuration for docker use on bitbucket

So I managed to get from right and left this way to use docker since the katalon-execute was said to be deprecated. My problem now is that the resolution is ENV DISPLAY_CONFIGURATION=1024x768x24 and this fails my script since objects are different.
On my machine I could change it with docker run -e DISPLAY_CONFIGURATION="1720x1080x24" but I don’t see how to do it with the yml file.
Could you help please? :slight_smile:

image: katalonstudio/katalon
- step:
      - docker
      # Run Test
      - pwd
      - ls
      - katalonc.sh -projectPath=".//tmp/session-*" -browserType="Chrome" -retry=0 -statusDelay=15 -testSuitePath="Test Suites/Checkout - Credit Card" -apiKey="************" -executionProfile="occ_core"

    artifacts: # defining the artifacts .
      - report/**


You can declare DISPLAY_CONFIGURATION in Variable settings of Bitbucket pipeline: https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/variables-in-pipelines/ or just export it:

    - export DISPLAY_CONFIGURATION=1024x768x24
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Thank you, I’ll try it !!