XPath works on Chrome and Firefox but not IE

Hi, I am new to Katalon tool. I need to test my application in IE11 by using Katalon tool. On login page, when I use click() for login button then it won’t work but with Submit() - I can able to login. After login successfully need to select role which I want to login - I have used XPath locator to find the web elemnet but it’s going to wrong role (I have more than 20 roles on page). It’s going to correct role if I try on Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Not sure how to verify customized XPath in IE 11. Please help me.

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Here is my HTML - and i am using XPATH (see 2nd screenshot) and I want to go to 10th of div but it’s going to 13th of div from HTML code -


Default-Configuration - Default-Configuration

And I used xpath - /html/body/app-root/main/app-role-select/div/form/div[10]/div/button/span
and still clicking on wrong button instead of above one it’s going to div[13] elements instead of 10

This CSS will work (I don’t use xpath)

form[name=form] div:nth-child(10) button

I found something else. I used second screen option and now it’s clicking on correct button, but again if try on laptop then it’s clicking on wrong button. May it’s resolution issue. Can you help me how to resolve this issue?

I used div:nth-child as 11 and it worked in second screen

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