Why does Katalon connect to katalon.com before going to the URL in my script?

I have a script to launch a browser to my web site. When I run the script the browser opens to katalon.com redirects to the URL in my script. Why is a connection to katalon.com needed? Can this be prevented?

Were you using Katalon Studio or Katalon Recorder?

I was using Katalon Recorder. My company’s Info Security team is concerned about why thscript playback opened a browser to Katalon. They will not grant me permission to continue evaluation of Recorder or install the Studio until this is explained.

On your test case, under “Target” what does the value read?

It reads https://www.google.com/

Maybe a snippet of the log would help out as well. Without more information about how you are executing, I ran a simple google test and confirmed that mine works fine

There is nothing in the log showing the connection to katalon.com, just as in the image you posted. However, when the script is launched the browser opens to katalon.com then navigates to the URL set in the script. This is a serious security concern. If this behavior cannot be explained and corrected we will not be able to use your product.

JavaScript needs a normal active page to initiate the execution. “New tab” page or other special pages will not work. If you feel uncomfortable with the redirection to katalon.com you can preload the active tab with any website e.g. your company’s homepage or google.com.