When testing payment gateways-web, errors occur when running the test. (Secured objects capturing errors in input card number and other)

Doing payment gateway testing of web in Katalon Studio 8.5.5. In object spy option it can’t detect the Credit card number, CVC, Expire Date because they are secured objects. In the web recording option, objects are creating, but when executing the tests it give an error :
Caused by: com.kms.katalon.core.webui.exception.WebElementNotFoundException: Web element with id: ‘Object Repository/Page_/iframe_Bookings___privateStripeFrame8717’ located by ‘//iframe[@name=’__privateStripeFrame8717’]’ not found
How to solve please?

What does the DOM look like? What does your code, including test objects, look like?

You better come back with details

Do you understand this XPath expression? If you don’t, you need to understand XPath.


and try to understand what the message means.

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Possibly you need to learn how to use browser’s DevTools :

You should not expect the Object Spy and the Web Recording tools resolves your problems automagically. These tools are nice in that they motivate you to get started with Web UI testing. But their capability is limited. When you get an error in the codes generated by these tools, they would no more help you.

Once you got an error, you need to help yourself. You need to study the basics of Web technology. You need to be familiar with the browser’s DevTool. You need to be able to read the codes written in HTML, XPath, CSS, and JavaScript.

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I used to solve the issue by using ‘Switch To Frame’ option. Thank you for the time you spent for my issue.

I used to solve the issue by using ‘Switch To Frame’ option. Thank you for the time you spent on my issue.