After some tinkering around, I feel I have found the correct way. No way to verify yet as the certifications page only refreshes at 00:00 UTC. Let me know if everything looks correct to run executions on TestOps agents using Katalon Runtime Engine:
- Download and install Katalon Studio from the Katalon website.
- Create a Test Suite or Test Suite Collection in Katalon Studio.
- Download Katalon Runtime Engine from the Katalon website.
- Go to the Katalon TestOps platform and create a project if you haven’t already.
- In your TestOps project, go to “Configurations” and then “Agent Setup”.
- Select “Local Environment”, choose your operating system, and download the agent (which will be downloaded as a zip file).
- Unzip the agent file to a location on your local machine.
- In Katalon Studio, open the “Build CMD” dialog by selecting your Test Suite or Test Suite Collection and clicking on the “Build” button.
- Choose your desired browser and platform for the test run, then click “Generate Command”. This will generate a command to run the test in the console.
- Copy the generated command to your clipboard.
- Open a Command Prompt or Terminal window on your local machine.
- Navigate to the directory where you unzipped the agent file.
- Paste the command you copied in step 10 into the Command Prompt or Terminal window.
- Append the following to the command: “-testOpsAgentType=local -testOpsLocalAgentPath=path\to\agent\file -testOpsLocalAgentPort=50001”. Replace “path\to\agent\file” with the actual file path to the agent you unzipped in step 7.
- Press “Enter” to execute the command.
- After the test run completes, verify the test results and reports in the TestOps platform.