What is the right way to run executions on TestOps agents (Local or Docker) using Katalon Runtime Engine

After some tinkering around, I feel I have found the correct way. No way to verify yet as the certifications page only refreshes at 00:00 UTC. Let me know if everything looks correct to run executions on TestOps agents using Katalon Runtime Engine:

  1. Download and install Katalon Studio from the Katalon website.
  2. Create a Test Suite or Test Suite Collection in Katalon Studio.
  3. Download Katalon Runtime Engine from the Katalon website.
  4. Go to the Katalon TestOps platform and create a project if you haven’t already.
  5. In your TestOps project, go to “Configurations” and then “Agent Setup”.
  6. Select “Local Environment”, choose your operating system, and download the agent (which will be downloaded as a zip file).
  7. Unzip the agent file to a location on your local machine.
  8. In Katalon Studio, open the “Build CMD” dialog by selecting your Test Suite or Test Suite Collection and clicking on the “Build” button.
  9. Choose your desired browser and platform for the test run, then click “Generate Command”. This will generate a command to run the test in the console.
  10. Copy the generated command to your clipboard.
  11. Open a Command Prompt or Terminal window on your local machine.
  12. Navigate to the directory where you unzipped the agent file.
  13. Paste the command you copied in step 10 into the Command Prompt or Terminal window.
  14. Append the following to the command: “-testOpsAgentType=local -testOpsLocalAgentPath=path\to\agent\file -testOpsLocalAgentPort=50001”. Replace “path\to\agent\file” with the actual file path to the agent you unzipped in step 7.
  15. Press “Enter” to execute the command.
  16. After the test run completes, verify the test results and reports in the TestOps platform.
