WebUI Clipboard API set

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ClipboardPaste requires some careful thought.

Most user actions that result in a paste operation also sets focus to the target

  1. Ctrl+V / Shift+Insert
  2. Right-click, Paste

Care should be taken to mimic that precisely.

Most targets receive a change event after a paste operation takes place. Care should be taken to mimic that behavior precisely.

I think a certain true/false flag may be needed, let’s say ‘getFocus’… There may be cases also where focus is not desired… Like i fill multiple fields, i just hit tab to go to the next one.
Could have true as default value

As a possible real use case… Lets say i go to one tab, copy somethin, paste it in previous, go again to copy something else, come back.
Focus may not be needed here (altough shoud not harm)

On the other side, the closest to a real use case will be ‘clickonnelement > settextfromclipboard’

On the other-other side, navigating only through keyboard should be considered (yah, i did accesibility testing at a certain point in my timeline)