Verifying width and height?

How do I verify the width and height of an element on my website? I know the ‘supposed to be’ values, but cannot find a command to verify. Get element width/height only picks the value, not verifies the current value.

You can use ‘Get Element Width/Height’ keywords to get the value and then use that for comparison, e.g:

WebUI.verifyEqual(WebUI.getElementWidth, 20)
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I cannot get it to work… I use this script:
WebUI.getElementWidth(findTestObject(‘STW_headerimage_homepage/ul_hero-team (1)’))

width = 772

I tried:
WebUI.verifyEqual(WebUI.getElementWidth(‘STW_headerimage_homepage/ul_hero-team (1)’), 772)
WebUI.verifyEqual(WebUI.getElementWidth, 772)
…and other variations to no avail, what am I doing wrong?

Hi there,

You miss to call ‘findTestObject’ in parameter of getElementWidth. Your correct script should be:
WebUI.verifyEqual(WebUI.getElementWidth(findTestObject('STW_headerimage_homepage/ul_hero-team (1)')), 772)

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Thanks Hanh Tran, for you prompt reply, works fine now.