Unable to upload Report from Katalon Studio to Katalon Analytics

after struggling 3 days with Katalon :hot_face:, I finally found a solution to upload reports to analytics through my company proxy :star_struck:
when correctly setting proxy in “Window\preference Katalon\Proxy”, I get same error than Ankit when trying upload to https://analytics.katalon.com :
“PKIX path building failed”

This error is due to my company proxy which use a self signed certificate when intercepting SSL communications (every link with https://)

So to get it working, I had to declare my proxy certificate to java used by katalon.
I did it by these commands : (which should be launched as administrator on windows cmd)

set CACERT_PATH=C:\tools\Katalon\jre\lib\security
keytool -import -alias MyCompanyproxy -keystore “%CACERT_PATH%” -file “%currentpath%mycompany-root-ca.cer”
then, enter default java password “changeit”
then, enter “oui” (or “yes”) to validate adding this certificate

unfortunately, this command did not want to work with katalon JRE as I had this error :

Faire confiance à ce certificat ? [non] : oui
Certificat ajouté au fichier de clés
erreur keytool : java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\tools\Katalon\jre\lib\security (Accès refusé)

So my workaround was to execute again this keytool command on another jdk on my desktop, and then, replace file C:\tools\Katalon\jre\lib\security\cacert by the one generated in my jdk (C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_201\jre\lib\security)

and now, it works !! :sunglasses:

for those who wants to know how works, here is a very complete article about java certificate :