Unable to upload image from native window dialog box


I am new to katalon studio. i was trying to upload image (e.g upload profile picture) for an application and i am able to click till upload image but after that a separate native window dialog opens from where i have to select my file and i am unable to select file from there. Can anyone please help me solve this issue?
The code snippet for upload file is as follow:


WebUI.uploadFile(findTestObject(‘Main_TC_Objects/AddPhoto/Upload_Photo’), ‘\\Users\\Mycomputer\\Downloads\\Flower1.jpg’)

Any update on this? Anyone

According to this link, you don’t need to click:

But I found I needed to click after

WebUI.uploadFile(findTestObject(‘Main_TC_Objects/AddPhoto/Upload_Photo’), ‘\\Users\\Mycomputer\\Downloads\\Flower1.jpg’)
